Sunday, June 2, 2013

S2:E09 No elimination

 Jensen: I think you can do better. Your left hand (our right)looks awkward and chunky, where the left one looks perfected. Your face is a little bit off though that piercing stare is perfection.
 Helena: I love this photo of you, you really draw me into the scene though if you extended your neck it might be an even better photo.
 The Rock: This photo isn't my favourite, but I think you did a good job, I just wish we'd see another side of you is all. You can do better!
 Hugh: This isn't your best photo at all, far from it. Your expression is dull and unethused, I think you can do much better.

Christina: Yours was the subject of much scrutiny from the judges due to the lack of bra, but because we couldn't determine whether it was you or the wardrobe malfunction, it was deemed a wardrobe error and nobody was sent home

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

S2:E08: Dolls (In call out order)

 First call out:  The Rock for his portrayal as action man. I think this photo is an excellent example of becoming a character and that you embraced the challenge. You continue to wow the judges every week. Keep it up.

Helena: You earned runner up for best photo this week. This is spectacular.
Christina: This was my favourite photo this week, I think you nailed the look of the mannequin. Your hand looks awkward though, so you might want to watch that. 

 Hugh: Another great effort from you, Hugh. I love the pose, and the fact you channeled a character but watch the hands, as you look a little bit stiff.

Jensen: This looks more catalogue/department style than fitting the challenge and you were difficult to work with. You usually bring such good photos but try to be consistent won't you?

 Eric: I hate the pose, your proportions look weird and your eyes are horrible. Your attitude on set was terrible and I think you can do better. Unfortunately, we won't be able to see it, as you were sent home

Monday, September 24, 2012

S2: E07 Final 7 top and bottom

 Jensen: I love this! You look like you're actually going to transform into something. I think this is a great photo and proved you definitely have what it takes. You're listening, which is good for a top model.

Dwayne: I love that you had the balls to take on a fairy costume and own it. Great work!

Eric: I think this wasn't yourt best work, you look bored but congrats you are still in the running to be next top model. 

Anne: You didn't impress the judges and have been sent home.

S2: E10 Final 7

Helena: This is a great photo, I love the intensity in your face but the pose is a little bit awkward and your hand looks weird. I do like that you owned the costume and brought a transformation.
Christina: This is a great photo, I think you did a good job of capturing the mime and bringing it to life. Everything about it works --the costume, the pose, well done!
Eric: We've seen this photo before. Well, the expression on it. You really need to bring it more and commit to every single photo shoot.
Dwayne: Kudos to you for having the guts to dress as a fairy, you look great but the facial expression is a bit weird but I think you owned the dress and sold the fairy costume. I don't want to mess with you!
Hugh: This is a great photo, I like the way you look but if you'd extended your neck a bit more it would've been a fantastic photo rather than just a mediocre one.
Anne: You were difficult to work with and this was your best shot, which I don't think is working for you. I hate the expression, I hate the boring face and it doesn't read transformation to me.
Jensen: You look fantastic, this is exactly what we were looking for. I love the fact you brought something different to set, keep up the good work!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

S2: Black and white top and bottom

You received first call out for the second week in a row, congratulations you're still in the running to be next top model. 

This was a stellar effort but I feel like you could've done a lot more with your face and you need to continue to show us the softer side of you.

Robert: The judges are concerned about your declining performance but congratulations you are still in the running to be next top model.

Scarlett: Sadly, even your previous performances couldn't save you this week and the judges felt like you needed to improve and you were sent home. 

S2: E08 (made mistake) Black and White

 Anne: This is an okay photo, I suppose, you look startled though. Deer in the headlights is never a good look. Make sure you work it next time.
 Helena: I think this is an okay photo, it reminds me of a portrait rather than a editorial shoot though. You could've worked it, and changed up the expression a bit more but it's a pretty good photo.
 Eric: I love this photo. You're looking intensely into the camera, and smouldering me with your eyes. I think you work your facial expression and listened to the advice from last week.
 Scarlett: None of the judges felt like this photo did anything for you. You've done well up until now but it feels like you're declining, this photo is boring and I hate the expression on your face.
 Christina: I do like this photo, but your expression is boring and doesn't give a lot to go on. I think you look elegant but you really need to bring it more, because you can't coast along forever.
 Jensen: Finally, you brought it back this is more like what we've been looking for. I love the hands and the facial expression. Great job!
 Hugh: Not your best photo, but you gave a variety and showed yet another side of you. Make sure you try to show at least some expression --nobody wants to see a boring photo.
 Robert: Darling, you just look bored. I don't like that your hand looks a piece of meat, I feel like you're declining majorly in this competition where we added you to the contestants because we felt like you had potential.
The Rock: I thought this was a great photo, you toned down your usual faces and brought us a high fashion photo which the judges felt showcased your potential. The eyes are great, everything about it works. Keep up the good work.

S2: E08: Top and bottom

 The Rock: You won best photo this week, the judges felt like you really are improving and you've been somewhat of a dark horse throughout the competition. Keep up the good work.
Hugh: This won runner up for best photo and the judges had a difficult time choosing, keep up the good work!

Jensen: The judges feel like you're sliding, and this picture bored them to death. I hope that you can improve a lot because your pictures up until last week were fabulous.
Robert: Unfortunately, Robert, the judges just didn't see this as being a top model photo. You look awkward and your hand position was weird and you've been consistently boring for the competition, so have been sent home.