Sunday, June 2, 2013

S2:E09 No elimination

 Jensen: I think you can do better. Your left hand (our right)looks awkward and chunky, where the left one looks perfected. Your face is a little bit off though that piercing stare is perfection.
 Helena: I love this photo of you, you really draw me into the scene though if you extended your neck it might be an even better photo.
 The Rock: This photo isn't my favourite, but I think you did a good job, I just wish we'd see another side of you is all. You can do better!
 Hugh: This isn't your best photo at all, far from it. Your expression is dull and unethused, I think you can do much better.

Christina: Yours was the subject of much scrutiny from the judges due to the lack of bra, but because we couldn't determine whether it was you or the wardrobe malfunction, it was deemed a wardrobe error and nobody was sent home