Elijah Wood: Again the judges deliberated over this photo and Miss Piggy's for hours. It's a unique pose, and it drew my attention in. I do think he had an odd outfit and he worked it. Those are some really ugly shoes. Anyway he got second call-out.
Emma Watson: Last week we complained you were too blank but girl, we're definitely not complaining now. The hand is bugging me(isn't it always) I'll end up being called the hand critiquer or something anyway you sold the dress and improved. This is a MUCH better photo than last week.
Keira Knightley: Keira did a much better job than last week. Her hands *do* need work as usual and she could've had a better facial expression but this was a great photo for her and a big step up from last week's dreadful bottom 3 performance.
Halle Berry: This is a much better picture than last week but I still feel like you've been relying on basic poses rather than experimenting. If you improve your poses you'd have a killer photo as your facial expression is already quite good.
Jennifer Lawrence: This is a pretty good photo but your photo last week really wowed the judges while this one is rather mediocre. Last week you nailed the hands where everybody else failed to, and this week you seem to have forgotten the critiques. Also remember to change up the facial expressions.
Anna Paquin: Anna's photo isn't that bad. Her right hand looks way deformed though but she held her ground and outshined the guy on the left. She needs to work on facial expressions if she wants to stay in this competition.
Rosario Dawson: It's not a terrible photo but it's not really high fashion either. It's a pretty basic pose but at least you sold the dress.
Neil Patrick Harris: This is a pretty boring photo sorry Neil you need to work on your poses more so that you have a dynamic effect. As it is you just look like you're standing there and bored at that.
Josh Hutcherson: Josh did you not take the critique we gave you last week? This is really boring. Your hands work for once, but the rest of your body looks stiff and awkward and you aren't giving the star quality we would expect on the red carpet.
Cinderella: This was disqualified for not fitting the challenge and for being too similar to last week but good luck Cinderella.
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